Get started - companion, turnkey and registry studies available now!
Sponsors of existing clinical trials simply need to give their participants the option of signing up for the DHP and we do the rest!
Sponsors only pay for the data that they receive. Verisense Health is monitoring compliance throughout the study and will quality check the data before transferring to the sponsor.
Simply invite your participants and we will do the rest:
If Companion Studies are not a perfect fit for your project, sponsors can still leverage our technology platform, infrastructure, and our partner’s 400,000 person health panel to meet their specific needs.
Please contact us to discuss.
Companion Study - Sponsor invites their own participants to join the DHP
Turnkey Study - The DHP recruits participants according to sponsor specifications
In either case, the protocol can be adjusted to meet sponsor requirements
Verisense Health leverages the Digital Health Panel (DHP) platform to manage all aspects of the study
The DHP is run as a separate, IRB-approved study
DHP does all the work, leveraging its existing infrastructure and processes
Sponsors receive data throughout the trial
Wearable worn for at least one week per month
Raw 3-axis accelerometer data at a minimum of 25 Hz
Standard GGIR Activity and Sleep metrics
Results of monthly SF12 and condition monitoring questionnaire (based on ICD-10)
Tokens to access RWD for participants, if desired
Companion/Turnkey Study Flow
Raw data that is essential for developing new digital biomarkers
Digital Health Panel is the least expensive data collection approach
Verisense Health will manage the entire data collection process
The sponsor only pays for the data they get
The Digital Biobank is a credible independent shepherd of ground-truth data
Standard GGIR Metrics
GGIR Provides:
Time spent in idle, light, moderate, or vigorous activity
Sleep metrics: Total time in bed and sleep efficiency
Non-wear detection: total time device was not worn
Key Additional Features:
Calibrates automatically
Detects non-wear