window.location.href = "https://biobank-dashboard-db1ced32fbf7.herokuapp.com/";

Digital Biobank

Verisense Health is building a Digital Biobank to provide the data to identify and validate digital biomarkers. The Digital Biobank is a repository of raw digital sensor data with associated patient reported outcomes and tokens to enable access to real world data, including medical records, claims data, and pharmacy data on an anonymous basis. The Digital Biobank is being seeded with data collected by Verisense Health, both from internally sponsored studies and from external sponsors who are leveraging Verisense Health’s highly efficient infrastructure, the Digital Health Panel. Additionally, Verisense Health is in the process of cataloging external data sets across a wide range of diseases and populations.

To date, the Verisense Digital Biobank contains 500+ studies with data from over 1 million people. The Digital Biobank allows you to locate relevant data from catalogued data sets, harmonize different data sets, and apply appropriate algorithms. You can access the Digital Biobank using the link below.